Standing in my toybox =)

Standing in my toybox =)

Saturday, November 27, 2010


ok sooo...last night i heard something went wrong with a friends CF test..and looked about every 5 minutes to her page hoping for an update..but nothing came until this afternoon..saying how this sweet inncocent 4 year old cutie may need a lung transplant...seriously? how can someone be healthy for part of their life then all of a sudden slide down's not fair..there's not been a moment today where i thought today how is vince going to progress? will he be ok? am i doing everything possible? he means so much to me..i just hate seeing a 3 year almost 4 year little girl have to come home early from her make a wish trip because shes sick and in pain..its a wish..cant CF take a 4 day vacation? and a 4 year old,cant she go to school and play with her friends? and a 7 year old,why did CF take him from his 2 younger brothers...vince is my life..and tonight i honestly can not take my mind off of these 4..because vince is included...i love him to pieces and just hope to be doing everything right

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