Standing in my toybox =)

Standing in my toybox =)

Thursday, August 5, 2010


well vince went to his "normal" checkup on tuesday august 3rd...since he was still coughing and the docs could not hear anything in his lucgs,but knew he cultered bacteria just a week earlier,they opted to do a chest xray..sure enough the mucous was worse than in the culture and he would need to be we came in on wednesday and were admitted,before he went in surgery for his pickline we were told the hospital had no pediatric beds open..luckily right before he went in 1 opened up..and it was a new glad =) his arm was sore the rest of the night and he didnt eat much..he went to bed around 1130pm for a nurse..we left around 11:15 as we needed to get our rest and be back when he got up...when we got here the nurse had accidentally woke him she was feeding him some we are waiting for him to get unhooked from his he can crawl around and play...

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